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It's My Future iPad App

February 14, 2013

New at the iPad App Store from the National Gateway to Self-Determination, a National Training Initiative funded by the Administration on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, the It's My Future! app for iPad. It's My Future! is designed to support adults with developmental disabilities to become more self-determined and to meaningfully participate in their annual planning meetings. This App, developed by AbleLink Technologies and the Kansas University Center on Developmental Disabilities, in collaboration with the Institute for Human Development at the University of Missouri-Kansas City, provides self-paced videos to enable people with developmental disabilities to learn more about planning and leading their meetings. Eight sections cover topics such as choice making, decision making, goal setting, community living, employment, fun and leisure, and communication skills. Narration, a written outline, and colorful graphics support people to understand more about self-determination and how to become engaged in their planning meetings. The app is available for download from the iPad App Store for only $2.99.